769 research outputs found


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    Fault Diagnosis in real systems usually involves human expert’s shallow knowledge (as pattern causes-effects) but also deep knowledge (as structural / functional modularization and models on behavior). The paper proposes a unified approach on diagnosis by abduction based on plausibility and relevance criteria multiple applied, in a connectionist implementation. Then, it focuses elicitation of deep knowledge on target conductive flow systems – most encountered in industry and not only, in the aim of fault diagnosis. Finally, the paper gives hints on design and building of diagnosis system by abduction, embedding deep and shallow knowledge (according to case) and performing hierarchical fault isolation, along with a case study on a hydraulic installation in a rolling mill plant.shallow knowledge, diagnosis, flow systems

    Combined deep and shallow knowledge in a unified model for diagnosis by abduction

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    Fault Diagnosis in real systems usually involves human expert’s shallow knowledge (as pattern causes-effects) but also deep knowledge (as structural / functional modularization and models on behavior). The paper proposes a unified approach on diagnosis by abduction based on plausibility and relevance criteria multiple applied, in a connectionist implementation. Then, it focuses elicitation of deep knowledge on target conductive flow systems – most encountered in industry and not only, in the aim of fault diagnosis. Finally, the paper gives hints on design and building of diagnosis system by abduction, embedding deep and shallow knowledge (according to case) and performing hierarchical fault isolation, along with a case study on a hydraulic installation in a rolling mill plant

    Craniocerebral katatraumas associated with extremity and pelvis lesions

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    Centrul Naţional Ştiinţifico-Practic Medicină de Urgenţă,Catedra Neurologie, Neurochirurgie şi Genetică medicală FPM a Universitatăţii de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie ”N. Testemiţanu”, Conferinţa a XI-a Naţională a ortopezilor-tramatologi din Republica Moldova “Politraumatisme – concepţii contemporane de diagnostic şi tratament”, 21 mai 2009, Chișinău, Republica MoldovaAm evaluat rezultatele examinărilor şi tratamentului la katatraumatisme craneo-cerebrale asociate cu leziuni ale membrelor şi bazinului. La evidenţă s-au aflat 330 pacienţi cu katatraumatisme craneo-cerebrale asociate (KTCCA) din care 81 (24,54%) au fost cu katatraumatisme cranio-scheletale monoasociate. Leziunile membrelor şi bazinului au fost unilaterale în 59 (72,83%) de cazuri, iar în 22 (27,17%) - bilaterale. La 50 (61,72%) accidentaţi s-au determinat leziuni unice şi la 31 (38,28%) multiple. Din 120 de fracturi, numai 8 (6,7%) au fost deschise. La 20 pacienţi (16,7%) – fracturi cominutive şi 60 (50,0%) - cu deplasarea fragmentelor. Majoritatea fracturilor cu deplasare s-au întâlnit la oasele tubulare mari şi la bazin. Predomină leziunile membrelor inferioare – 60 (56,07%) asupra celor superioare – 47 (43,93%).We evaluated the examination and treatment results of craniocerebral katatraumas associated with extremities and pelvis lesions. 330 patients with associated craniocerebral katatraumas, 81 from which (24,54%) were related to monoassociated cranioskeletal katatraumas. The extremities and pelvis lesions were unilateral in 59 cases (72,83%), and bilateral in 22 cases (27,17%). 50 patients (61,72%) had unique lesions and 31 (38.28%) multiple. From 120 fractures, only 8 (6,7%) were external. In 20 patients (16,7) – comminutive fractures and 60 patients (50,0%) – with fragment moving. The majority of the moving fractures was noticed at big tubular bones and pelvis. Inferior extremities lesions are more frequent - 60 (56,07%) than the superior ones – 47 (43,93%)

    Total and Partial Fragmentation Cross-Section of 500 MeV/nucleon Carbon Ions on Different Target Materials

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    By using an experimental setup based on thin and thick double-sided microstrip silicon detectors, it has been possible to identify the fragmentation products due to the interaction of very high energy primary ions on different targets. Here we report total and partial cross-sections measured at GSI (Gesellschaft fur Schwerionenforschung), Darmstadt, for 500 MeV/n energy 12C^{12}C beam incident on water (in flasks), polyethylene, lucite, silicon carbide, graphite, aluminium, copper, iron, tin, tantalum and lead targets. The results are compared to the predictions of GEANT4 (v4.9.4) and FLUKA (v11.2) Monte Carlo simulation programs.Comment: 10pages, 13figures, 4table


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    While the design problem seems to be essential in order to form a high performance composite one may ask more: is it possible to form a material able to give information about its state? Is it possible to control the properties of a composite through alternation of its various layers? Is it possible, finally, to obtain a multifunctional material based on a right design, on a cheap forming technique, on accessible components? This study is about partially answering the above questions. Two types of fiber fabric were used to form composites with filled epoxy matrix and materials bending and thermo-mechanical properties were evaluated using appropriate recommended methods

    Leziunile axonale difuze ale creierului

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    Leziunile axonale difuze ale creierului reprezintă un efect posttraumatic primar difuz, generat în special de mecanisme dinamice inerţiale și cu contact. Frecvent sunt însoţite de stări îndelungate de comă – de la 11 până la 110 zile. Pentru diagnostic sunt utilizate TC cerebrală și rezonanţa magnetică nucleară. Tratamentul DAI necesită efectuarea ventilaţiei mecanice prelungite a plămânilor și terapie intensivă complexă. DAI determină ≈35% din decese în traumatismele cerebrale grave și sunt cauza cea mai frecventă a stărilor vegetative persistente

    Современный подход в организации диагностики, лечения и реабилитации больных с опухолями головы и шеи.

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    Modern management in the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with tumors of the head and neck region.Pe parcursul a 40 ani de activitate, savanții secţiei „Tumori cap şi gât” au perfecționat metodele de diagnostic a cancerului glandei tiroide, nazofaringelui, laringelui etc. S-au elaborat noi metode de intervenţii chirurgicale a tumorilor local-avansate a regiunii date, noi metode de plastie chirurgicală cu lambouri pediculate şi microchirurgicale. S-a implementat şi perfecţionat metoda criochirurgiei în tratamentul cancerului pielii şi buzei inferioare. Timp de mai bine de 40 ani de către colaboratorii şi medicii clinicii „Tumori cap şi gât” au fost trataţi circa 26000 bolnavi cu diverse tumori a acestei regiuni, dintre care 21300 cu tumori maligne. Au fost efectuate peste 23000 intervenţii chirurgicale la bolnavi cu tumori în regiunea capului şi gâtului. Din punct de vedere organizatoric, secţia de „Tumori cap şi gât” este cea mai reuşită formă de organizare a serviciului oncologic pentru acest contingent complicat de pacienţi oncologici.Современный подход в организации диагностики, лечения и реабилитации больных с опухолями головы и шеи

    Perfecţionarea metodei combinate de tratament al tumorilor capului şi gâtului cu aplicarea factorilor fizici în scopul îmbunătăţirii procesului de reabilitare a bolnavilor oncologici

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    În ultimii ani tumorile regiunii capului şi gâtului în structura morbidităţii prin cancer s-au plasat pe primul loc, bolnavii primari înregistraţi anual alcătuind circa 1300, ceea ce constituie circa 30,0% ̊ ̊ ̊.Pe parcursul a 5 ani, metoda combinată de tratament cu utilizarea factorilor fizici a fost aplicată la 472 de pacienţi: 1. Ca al pielii regiunii capului şi gâtului (carcinom paviemntos) – 27 de bolnavi. 2. Ca bazocelular al pielii regiunii capului şi gâtului – 59 de bolnavi. 3. Ca al buzei inferioare – 160 de bolnavi. 4. Ca al mucoasei cavităţii bucale – 52 de bolnavi. 5. Ca al laringelui – 174 de bolnavi. Bolnavii au fost selectaţi prin metoda rondomizată în policlinica Institutului Oncologic din Moldova. Metoda combinată de tratament aplicată de noi a constat în efectuarea tratamentului tradiţional chirurgical în asociere cu: - radioterapie perioperatorie la aparatul „Rocus”; - criodistrucţie cu aparatul „KP – 02”; - hipertermie la aparatul „Volna 2”; - lazeroterapie la aparatul „УЛФ – 01”. Aplicarea metodei propuse de tratament a permis îmbunătăţirea rezultatelor nemijlocite cu 15%. Tratamentul complex al acestor bolnavi a inclus şi un şir de măsuri de reabilitare medicală, dintre care cea mai importantă a fost plastia defectelor posttumorale cu diverse lambouri pediculate (cervicale,humerale, deltopectorale, tocarodorsale), libere, combinate şi lambouri microchirurgicale

    Assembly of the Inner Tracker Silicon Microstrip Modules

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    This note describes the organization of the mechanical assembly of the nearly 4000 silicon microstrip modules that were constructed in Italy for the Inner Tracker of the CMS experiment. The customization and the calibration of the robotic system adopted by the CMS Tracker community, starting from a general pilot project realized at CERN, is described. The step-by-step assembly procedure is illustrated in detail. Finally, the results for the mechanical precision of all assembled modules are reported

    Tracker Operation and Performance at the Magnet Test and Cosmic Challenge

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    During summer 2006 a fraction of the CMS silicon strip tracker was operated in a comprehensive slice test called the Magnet Test and Cosmic Challenge (MTCC). At the MTCC, cosmic rays detected in the muon chambers were used to trigger the readout of all CMS sub-detectors in the general data acquisition system and in the presence of the 4 T magnetic field produced by the CMS superconducting solenoid. This document describes the operation of the Tracker hardware and software prior, during and after data taking. The performance of the detector as resulting from the MTCC data analysis is also presented